Mandie and the Forgotten Christmas


Mandie and the Forgotten Christmas

Network: ION

Original Air Date: Christmas 2011

Family Movie - Rated : G

*This is the third movie in the “Mandie” film series! This installment follows the 2009 release “Mandie and the Secret Tunnel” featuring Dean Jones and the 2010 release “Mandie and the Cherokee Treasure” with Hayley Mills. The films are based on the “Mandie” books by Lois Gladys Leppard.

*Images from


Kelly Washington ... Mandie Shaw
Amanda Waters ... Polly
Glennellen Anderson ... Celia
David Topp ... Tommy
Ben Winchell ... Robert


It's December 1900 at Miss Heathwood's Boarding School for Girls. Thrust into the chaotic and unfamiliar world of a boarding school at Christmas, Mandie finds herself hounded by new rules and regulations at every turn. Unable to grasp the finer points of high society, she constantly falls into trouble with Miss Heathwood, the headmistress.

While visiting the school's forbidden attic Mandie stumbles upon a mystery from which she is warned to flee. But by seeking the truth Mandie might provide the key that unlocks the mysteries and memories of a long forgotten Christmas.

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Movie Review:

I haven't seen this movie, yet. However, from looking at the preview, I think this movie looks like a mix of Anne of Green Gables and American Girl Movies. I look forward to seeing it on the ION Network this Christmas!!!

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*Images from: Mandy Movies Facebook Page
and Official Site for Mandie and the Forgotten Christmas

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