Summer TV News - to be Continued...

June 23, 2011 Thursday

Ahhh, Summertime! I love it.... the Sunshine, Long days, Lightning Bugs, Outdoor Games, Picnics, and so much more! It is officially Summer Now ~ as of Tuesday, June 21st!

I do hope you all had a very nice Fathers Day. Mine was wonderfully spent with all of my precious family and I feel so blessed to have done so! By the way, the Favorite Father on TV or in Movies Poll is still open until early Monday (June 27)- so be sure to vote for your favorites, if you haven't already. The competition continues between Charles Ingalls and John Walton for #1!

I also wanted you to know, even though it is summer and many of us are busy with activities or just relaxing... well, I'm still updating various aspects of the site; such as: The Family TV Schedule, New Movies, and Movie Reviews.

By the way, several of you have commented or e-mailed - wondering if any Network will have any "Christmas in July" Movies this year. I've yet to discover any concrete news or listings regarding this; however, I am on the lookout and will let you know, if I do! "To be continued...."  (Please contact me, if you see any news regarding this.)

It's my hope to keep the site "fresh and new" and I hope you enjoy it throughout your Summer Vacation!!

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